Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Last nights 5K was a blast and my favorite despite it being my slowest time.  A downpour of rain for an hour before race start time made it feel like a sauna!  It began with some military music and our national anthem as they raised a huge American flag.  Never have I seen so many nervous runners stop and focus on the words with their hands on their hearts. My sweet husband ran as much of it as he could, which was quite a bit and the last mile was a big struggle with frequent walk breaks but he hung in there to run it in strong.  It was easy for me, despite the heat because I was just focused on helping him.  I hope that I woke up the runner in him because it was beyond enjoyable running by his side.  I had a hard time containing my excitement because I love running and to run with the person you love most is something I never thought I would experience.  He quit running before we even met, I suspect from burnout from running every day so I have only done Sunday morning strolls and skiing with him. Not the same as running, at least for me.
The after race party was a blast with friends old and new.  At 9:00PM they showed 200 service people in Kabul, Afghanistan start their race.  I am sure I wasn't the only one that wished I could reach through the screen and hug them for all they do for us.  They ensure that every day, not just the 4th is Independence Day.
I hope all my running friends, my family, Americans (by birth and by choice) all have a wonderful day.
My holiday couldn't have been any better. (-;

Happy Running!

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